Tuesday, June 12, 2012

16 weeks

What a whirl wind 16 weeks this has been! 16 weeks ago today our sweet Aaron was born! He had changed so much, how crazy it must be to learn new things all the time--to wake up everyday seeing a little more clearly, moving with a little more purpose, smiling just because. We love our sweet baby so much! Heres a little glimpse into what we've done!

1-4 weeks: not much here. Aaron has been such a great baby from the get go, this was an adjustment period for everyone. By the end of the month he was sleeping 6 hours at a time at night some!

5-8 weeks: this was a fun time! He started to smile on purpose! His first smile was the Sunday before Easter! He also rolled over once, but just a fluke--he hasn't done it since! We had our 8 week appointment--shots!!-- it was so sad, but I suppose worth the benefits.

9-12 weeks: this holds pretty much the same kind of stuff as the month before. Mothers Day came and went, how in!! More smiles and good times! Aaron shows so many expressions! He likes baths now, but cries when we have to get out--he hates the coldness. We also like going to the ball park to watch daddy play softball!

13-16 weeks: we giggle!!!!! Oh the cuteness abounds! We fell on sad times this month when our sweet granny Phyllis passed away. We are so sad to say goodbye, and we will tell Aaron about her often. He funeral is tomorrow, we are preparing for sadness and goodbyes. See you again Granny!


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